Friday, November 22, 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Has The Water Stopped?

I think we have found the winner, or should I say loser! The cold water supply pipe to the toilet is leaking. A simple fix, right...WRONG - the pipes are encased in a cement tomb under the bathroom floor.
Turning off the feed to the upstairs toilet has stopped the water from dripping/flowing, but there have been years of damage done and I fear we may be loosing the original bathroom tile floor. :( 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Kitchen Inspiration

So now that I need to fix the ceiling in my kitchen why not re model it? I only have one kitchen cabinet...
My dilemma is the over all layout of the kitchen...its long and really only 1 wall is functional, but that wall has two GIANT windows...hence no cupboards.

These are a few photos I have found for inspiration:

This kitchen looks like my butlers pantry...
 Has anybody seen my maid? I cant find her and the house is a mess!!!

Seems a little empty without a refrigerator.

A little more modern...Ohhh! Ahhhh! Drool!
Tile up the walls is a must!

This Greenfield Village Kitchen Display has always been my favorite!

An Open Ceiling Plan?

You've heard of kitchens with an open floor plan...well mine has an open ceiling plan!!

The water from the tub in the above bathroom was leaking around the drain. This caused the water to collect under the tub and slowly seep down the outside (wrong side) of the drain pipe onto the ceiling of the kitchen below.
Of course the exact reason for the leak could not be discovered until large section of the ceiling was pulled down. Revealing some questionable decisions on the part of the original constructors.
The layer of wet plaster was floating off the lath and literally crumbled to its death. The two layers of sheetrock/drywall also had to go. 
Speaking of death; a mummified squirrel from the 1940's was discovered, he was wearing a fedora. 

The next greatest discovery was the original color of the walls/ceiling...OLIVE GREEN! Of course it was, I think everything in the house was slathered with a nice coat of olive green lead. I have found two paint hues, one a bit darker but I don't know if the color darkened with age or if it had been discolored from smoke; the Squirrel form the 40's also smoked a pipe.  

Damn, and I just washed all those dishes in my pantry!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Drip, Drip, Drip...

I woke up this morning to a frightening sound that I just couldn't understand. Then I saw it...the ceiling in the kitchen was dripping. :(
Well, at least it was not dripping blood.